These archived stories are about OmniFocus 2 for Mac and iOS. Many of them will still be relevant to OmniFocus 3, but not necessarily in every detail. In the hope that you will still find them useful, we’ve preserved them. See the product page for OmniFocus for more about OmniFocus 3.
You can also read about using OmniFocus with the Getting Things Done® system. While OmniFocus doesn’t require following that system, it works very well with it.

Write One. Reuse a Million Times.
Use templates and automation to optimize repetitive tasks.

Organizing Groceries with OmniFocus
Making quick work at the grocery store with OmniFocus and Apple Watch.

Spending Time on What Matters
Using OmniFocus to spend more time on what matters, and less on what...doesn’t.

Work, School, Robots, and OmniFocus
Putting OmniFocus to work as a very busy high school junior.

Home, Work, and Contexts
Switching between freelancing projects is how it all works for Sabra; using Folders and Contexts is crucial.

The Ability to Clear
Using defer dates and focusing on Today, David is able to wear many hats—and even bail when necessary.

Scripting a Kanban View
Quantisation, Visualization, and getting OmniFocus data onto a Kanban board.

Capturing in the Moment
Keeping meetings and agendas in perspective and under control.

A Workflow of Perspectives
Kourosh makes use of custom perspectives to get everything he doesn’t need to see out of sight.